By going deeper into the hardest-to-reach places of Nepal, Hope for Children has directly impacted the lives of over 1,000 children and families in Nepal. Our aim is to create a better future for ten thousand children, their families, and communities by the year 2025 and you can help us to do so by joining one of our sponsorship programs.


Child Sponsorship

Every child deserves a future. When you decide to sponsor a child you give them a hope for a better future. You become a source of hope and a lifeline for your sponsored child, and for their family and community, too.
Change a life today! Help a child journey toward a bright future! Participation in sponsorship program is open to Nepali nationals


Cooperate Partnership

Today, almost half the world’s children live in extreme poverty. Poverty denies them their basic human rights such as access to proper nutrition, education, safe water and sanitation, health care, and protection. We need to change this and only through collective action can we make it happen. Join hands with us. Together we can transform the lives of children in poverty.



Every donation you make is capable of impacting the lives of children – in more ways than you can imagine. By donating to Hope for Children, you are creating ripples of lasting change - transforming the lives of children, their families, and entire communities.



Extra Cirriculam

Extracurricular Activities


Life Skill Training

gift children

Sponsor a child

When you sponsor a child, you help provide essentials like education, food, protection, healthcare and more. Your sponsorship empowers them to achieve their full potential, progress toward a better future and contribute to national growth.


Corporate Partnership

By partnering with Hope for Children you can create a sustainable impact on children’s lives. Our partnership will give you opportunities to harness the power of business to empower children, their families and communities to lift themselves out of poverty and add value to your business and brand.


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